Analyzing customer journeys can be NICE

Does the journey matter more than the destination? For customer analytics, it just might. NICE just released a tool for Customer Journey Optimization, and we’ve got the lowdown.
The term customer journey may sound exotic to the non-initiated, but it is as widespread in the industry as it is simple. It refers to the stages that customers go through in interacting with a company, from buying products online to accessing customer services on the phone.
A defining feature of customer journeys is the fact that they span interaction channels, and combined with the facts that there are many interactions and they can be quite complicated, it all results in challenging scenarios for analytics.
This is where NICE customer journey optimization (CJO) comes in, as NICE specializes in customer journeys. This is a typical example of domain-specific analytics, albeit implemented in a non-typical way.
NICE positions itself as a leader in customer journey analysis, claiming years of expertise and specialization in the field that enables it to deal with challenges related to data integration (DI) and master data management (MDM) in its own efficient if idiosyncratic way.