How Trifacta is helping data wranglers in Hadoop, the cloud, and beyond

How Trifacta is helping data wranglers in Hadoop, the cloud, and beyond

Trifacta is known for doing one thing, and doing it well: data wrangling. Because of this, the company has an informed, data-driven view on the big data and not-so-big data market. Trifacta’s insights have driven its latest product release, but are also relevant to draw a big picture of big data.

The focus of Trifacta is enabling people who know their data best (analysts & business people) to effectively explore, structure, and join together diverse data sources for a variety of business purposes.

The company also just released a new product, and this presented a good opportunity for us to have a discussion with Joe Hellerstein, Trifacta’s co-founder and CSO, and Joe Scheuermann, VP of marketing, for their thoughts on machine learning, data wrangling, Hadoop, and more. According to Scheuermann:

This means Trifacta is sitting on tons of data about using data. But their founding vision, Scheuermann says, “was not exclusively focused on wrangling big data. When the company was originally created out of 15 years of joint research between Stanford and UC Berkeley, the focus was on helping anyone who works with data have a more productive and enjoyable experience making data useful for analysis.”

For Hellerstein, it was data and a little bit of a friendly push that made him go from being a renowned academic researcher to co-founding a startup that has turned into a company operating worldwide. He was no stranger to “the real world”, as he had served as advisor and board member in a number of companies, but when the data from the initial incarnation of the Wrangler tool started accumulating, they pointed to the fact they were onto something.

Read the full article on ZDNet

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