In-memory architecture + streaming data = Digital Twins?

In-memory architecture + streaming data = Digital Twins?

The Digital Twin is a buzzword in its prime time infancy. We take a look at what it is and how it relates to modern data architectures, examining ScaleOut’s adoption and implementation and comparing with other alternatives.

Like most buzzwords, the Digital Twin sounds both catchy and perplexing. Although it has been becoming popular as of late, having been featured by Gartner and used by Oracle and GE, it has been around as a term since 2002.

It was introduced by Dr. Michael Grieves at the University of Michigan, and it refers to a virtual representation of a physical entity. Originally introduced in the context of Product Lifecycle Management, the Digital Twin has gotten a second wind with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Indeed, it sounds like a fitting metaphor. IoT is about, well, things, and having these things collect and send telemetry data as well as (potentially) receiving and executing commands through sensors and controllers.

A “thing,” such as a drone or a car, typically incorporates an array of sensors and controllers that make this two-way interaction possible. The combination of data from this array of sensors that refer to the same physical object creates a virtual representation of the object: its Digital Twin.

Read the full article on ZDNet

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