Machine Learning: The cloud is the new battlefield

Machine Learning: The cloud is the new battlefield

There’s a reason why every major cloud provider is backing its own machine learning framework. What’s that and how do you get to choose?

More than a convergence of buzzwords, machine learning in the cloud is very much real. Why is this happening, what are the players and their strategies, and how do you get to choose the right technology and vendor for utilizing machine learning (ML)?

ZDNet discussed with Chris Nicholson, a deep learning (DL) expert with a deep knowledge of and interest in the field. Nicholson is one of the masterminds of Deeplearning4J and the CEO of Skymind. Deeplearning4J is am open source library for DL using Java, and Skymind is a company set up to expand and commercialize Deeplearning4J.

It’s interesting to note that the DL framework getting the most traction at the moment is backed by a vendor throwing its weight behind its cloud: Google’s TensorFlow. With Amazon still having the lion’s share in public cloud use, Nicholson believes TensorFlow is part of Google’s strategy to get a bigger share of the pie.

Read the full article on ZDNet

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