From graph to the world: pioneering a database virtual machine

From graph to the world: pioneering a database virtual machine

What are the options for querying graphs, and how do we go from that to the equivalent of a virtual machine for databases?

If you’re not a graph afficionado, the name Marko A. Rodriguez probably does not mean much to you. Rodriguez however has been working on the intersection of research, engineering and entrepreneurship in the graph space his entire career. The fact that graph is now in the limelight is at least to some extent related to his efforts.

Rodriguez’s primary contributions to the graph computing landscape, in his own view, have been the design and development of Apache TinkerPop‘s Gremlin as well as the founding of Aurelius, the graph consulting firm behind Titan.

His story sheds some light on the foundations of the emerging graph landscape, and hints to what could be coming next in the database world.

Titan is the graph database a significant part of today’s graph landscape gravitates around, as it is the foundation for both DSE Graph and JanusGraph. Rodriguez says that circa 2010 there were only a few graph database vendors around and it was difficult for companies to find theoretical and applied support for their graph-related problems.

Read the full article on ZDNet

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