Is 5G the missing link for autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and a brave new world?

Is 5G the missing link for autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and a brave new world?

We may have hit peak 5G hype before 5G is actually available. But is 5G really a game changer?

Every telco seems to be pushing out news about 5G these days. With Mobile World Conference taking place, and as noted having morphed from a consumer show to a a business event, this is hardly surprising.

Alongside 5G, machine learning, AI and cloud are seen as the technologies that will revolutionize domains such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities. But is 5G really a game changer? ZDNet discussed with leaders in the field, focusing on the impact of 5G on data collection, storage, processing, and applications and the interplay with cloud and AI.

5G is sold mostly on the merit of advancing network speed. But is network speed the key for use cases involving edge analytics and intelligence, such as IoT and autonomous vehicles?

Read the full article on ZDNet

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