Water data is the new oil: Using data to preserve water
Data and water do mix, apparently. Using data and analytics can lead to great benefits in water preservation.
We’ve all heard data is the new oil a thousand times by now. Arguably though, we can all live without data, or even oil, but there’s one thing we can’t do without: Water. Preserving water and catering to water quality is a necessity, and data can help do that.
On the occasion of World Water Day, ZDNet discussed the use of data to preserve water with Gary Wong. Wong is the Global Water Industry Principal for OSIsoft, and he was recently named one of the world’s 50 most impactful leaders in Water & Water Management.
Wong started his career with Metro Vancouver, in which his role was to manage Corporate Applications for the water utility. After eight years in this role, and using OSIsoft in that capacity, when he got an offer to join OSIsoft to take the lead in building the Global Water Industry branch, he did not turn it down.
But what is the Global Water Industry exactly? During the 20th century the world population tripled, while water use for human purposes multiplied sixfold. The most obvious uses of water for people are drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and — for some — watering family food plots.