For CockroachDB, transactions first, then analytics is a feature — not a bug
An open-source database that is resilient, supports automatic geo-scaling on-premise and in the cloud, and SQL. CockroachDB already is all that. Next in the roadmap: Analytics, with Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing.
Cloud native databases. Serverless databases. However you want to call them, there’s a new breed of databases on the rise. One that promises automatic scalability on a global scale: No more toiling over configuration, management, replication and the like, just spin some instances in the cloud and go.
But although data is naturally gravitating to the cloud, not everyone is willing and able to move all data there. So databases these days are also increasingly expected to be able to handle workloads seamlessly both on premise and across a multitude of clouds.
And then, there’s also what by now seems like an old dilemma: to SQL, or to NoSQL? While upending the traditional design of relational databases has brought benefits in terms of scalability, replacing SQL is not necessarily something people want.
So how does one combine SQL, cloud native, multi-cloud, and hybrid cloud?