Cloud native, chaos-tolerant FaunaDB adds support for SQL, GraphQL, and CQL

Cloud native, chaos-tolerant FaunaDB adds support for SQL, GraphQL, and CQL

Tired of using many databases? FaunaDB wants to be the all-in-one solution for polyglot persistence in the cloud and on premise, and it just got SQL, GraphQL, and CQL

Today’s applications want it all, and the databases powering them are forced to follow: Auto-deployment and scalability both on-premise and in the cloud, multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, plus resilience, geo-distribution, and SQL.

We’ve seen that the list of databases with all these is quite short. Today, however, another database is making that list: FaunaDB. FaunaDB was created by former Twitter employee No. 15 Evan Weaver to deal with the issues he has experienced first hand at Twitter. FaunaDB has been a NoSQL solution, but not anymore.

FaunaDB just switched camps overnight, becoming more interesting to a wider, diverse target audience, by adding support for GraphQL for web applications, as well as CQL for key-value access and SQL for relational workloads. ZDNet had a Q&A with Weaver to find out how and why this came to be, and what it means for FaunaDB and database users at large.

The first thing we wondered about was what kind of SQL will be supported. Is it SQL-like, or plain old ANSI SQL? Weaver said that the target is a variant of ANSI SQL like other relational databases:

Read the full article on ZDNet

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