GoodData and Visa: A common data-driven future?

GoodData and Visa: A common data-driven future?

From user, to partner and investor. That’s not a very common scenario for software vendors, especially if the user-cum-partner-investor is someone like Visa. GoodData is evolving more than its relationship with select users.

GoodData, one of the key players in business intelligence and analytics, today announced a partnership with Visa. This is an interesting development for both sides, for a number of reasons.

ZDNet connected with Roman Stanek, GoodData Founder and CEO, to discuss the ins and outs of the deal, the data landscape, and the way data are used to shape directions for organizations big and small, and what’s next for GoodData.

Last time we spoke with GoodData executives, it was on the occasion of another major partnership, that with Amazon. We picked up from where we left off, by going over the evolution of that partnership. Stanek said things are coming along great, and the collaboration around AWS Redshift was just the beginning.

Having a partner with such a big presence and important role as Amazon, which is the dominant player in the cloud market, is a great strength for GoodData. Stanek emphasized the broader vision of what he called investment in data, and how organizations can have a return on their data. But he also touched upon certain technical aspects GoodData is making a play on, and how they fit into the big picture.

Read the full article on ZDNet

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