Garbage in, garbage out: Data science, meet evidence-based medicine
Did you ever wonder how data is used in the medical industry? The picture that emerges by talking to the experts leaves a lot to be desired.
Data science and analytics — in other words, the art and science of managing and using data to derive insights — is something you probably have at least a passing acquaintance with. Their applications are transforming practically every domain of human activity, and they are core topics of our column.
Evidence-based medicine, on the other hand, is something most people have probably not heard of before. We had not either, until recently. For some of us, COVID-19 was a trigger to venture into previously unknown territory, such as epidemiology and medicine.
We have found that applying the faculty of critical thinking and the principles of data-driven decision making can go a long way towards a more informed assessment of the situation. The fact remains, however, we are not experts in epidemiology or medicine.
In a series of two articles, we converse with the experts on everything from how medical data is generated and managed, to predictive modeling, transparency and bias, COVID-19, and the role of industry and the World Health Organization.