Speedb is a drop-in replacement for RocksDB that wants to take the embedded key-value store world by storm

Speedb is a drop-in replacement for RocksDB that wants to take the embedded key-value store world by storm

RocksDB is the secret sauce underlying many data management systems. Speedb is a drop-in replacement for RocksDB that offers a significant boost in performance and now powers Redis on Flash.

Key-value stores are the simplest, most fundamental data storage systems. Rather than providing elaborate query languages, most of them provide simple interfaces to store and retrieve data.

Conceptually, any type of data management system or database can be built on top of a key-value store. More elaborate data structures and query languages can be, and sometimes are, built on key-value stores.

In that scenario, database builders usually either implement their own key-value store solution or look for an embedded system. That is a key-value store that comes as a library that other systems can use.

It could be argued then that embedded key-value stores are the unsung storage heroes and frequently for databases. Embedded key-value stores come with the additional baggage of embedded systems: they share resources with the system embedding them, which means efficiency is key. In the words of Adi Gelvan, Speedb co-founder and CEO:

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