2022 technology trend review, part one: Open source, cloud, blockchain

Open source is here to stay, the cloud is catalyzing its growth, and the blockchain ecosystem is growing and diversifying.
In the spirit of the last couple of years, we review developments in what we have identified as the key technology drivers for the 2020s in the world of databases, data management, and AI. We are looking back at 2021, trying to identify patterns that will shape 2022.
We start today with a review of open source software, the cloud, and blockchain. We will continue in the coming days with a review of AI and knowledge graphs.
Open source software has been on the rise for a while, and we don’t see any signs of this growth slowing down. According to Gartner’s 2021 Hype Cycle for Open-Source Software (OSS): “Through 2025, more than 70% of enterprises will increase their IT spending on OSS, compared with their current IT spending. Plus, by 2025, software as a service (SaaS) will become the preferred consumption model for OSS due to its ability to deliver better operational simplicity, security, and scalability”.
Gartner’s predictions of open source at large are even bolder and more specific when it comes to open source in the database and data management world. As far back as 2019, Gartner predicted that the future of databases is the cloud, and that future of databases is also something else: it is open source.