is taking on Google with AI, apps, privacy, and personalization is taking on Google with AI, apps, privacy, and personalization

Award-winning AI research? Check. Startup and enterprise experience? Check. Venture capital and Mark Benioff backing? Check. Is that enough for Richard Socher’s to take on Google?

Are you happy with Google search? Regardless of how you answer this question, chances are you still use it. With the notable exceptions of China and Russia, where Baidu and Yandex lead, respectively, Google’s market share in search is over 90% worldwide.

It’s not that Google is the only game in town. Besides Baidu and Yandex, the likes of Microsoft and Yahoo have tried their luck too, with Bing and the eponymous search engine, respectively. The privacy-focused DuckDuckGo is another option. Yet, none of those has a market share of over 3% worldwide. Can a new entry do better than so many others before it?

Richard Socher thinks so. Socher, the founder and CEO of upstart search engine, has had this mission impossible on his mind ever since his Stanford days. Today, almost a decade later, with lots of distinctions and plenty of startup and enterprise experience under his belt, Socher is heads-down on mission impossible.

When Socher came to the US from Europe in his twenties, his dream was to get a university faculty job and he worked very hard to make it come true. He got into deep learning early on, when it was just a niche topic, and worked with deep learning pioneers Andrew Ng and Chris Manning at Stanford.

Read the full article on ZDNet

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