Online Marketing and Data Protection: Dos, Don’ts, and a hint for a way forward

Online Marketing and Data Protection: Dos, Don’ts, and a hint for a way forward

We have seen how marketing campaigns can backfire when common sense and CRM – MDM are missing from the mix. To err is human of course, so we should be forgiving both as IT professionals and as consumers, provided that we see tangible recognition of errors and a commitment to make amends. In this post, […]

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The wrong strategy, the wrong way: cold-calling your way to marketing, technical and business failure

The wrong strategy, the wrong way: cold-calling your way to marketing, technical and business failure

Do you think cold-calling still works? Trying to sell random stuff to random people on the phone is not exactly the most unobtrusive, effective or sophisticated strategy. It’s the kind of thing I would expect and advise especially technology companies to stay away from, for a number of reasons. This is an account of the […]

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Twitter doesn’t like me, but it’s nothing personal: stock plunges, engagement, and walled gardens

Twitter doesn’t like me, but it’s nothing personal: stock plunges, engagement, and walled gardens

I’m a very late joiner on Twitter. Even though as an analyst being active on Twitter is something that has come to be part and parcel of the job, i used to joke about my “no Twitter by Design” strategy. I had my reasons, some having to do with me, some with Twitter itself. Now […]

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Tim Berners Lee Keynote in World Wide Web Conference 2012

Tim Berners Lee Keynote in World Wide Web Conference 2012

Distributed, Collaborative Decision Making? Music to my ears – we should be doing more of that On the opening day of www2012, Tim Berners Lee gave an inspirational keynote. I found it to be inspirational because it focused on what matters most, imho: the social and political aspects of technical design and decisions and the interplay among […]

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