Democratizing data with Graph RAG: What it is, What it can do, How to evaluate it

What is Graph RAG, what can it do, and how do you evaluate it? By George Anadiotis Are you interested in making your data more accessible? A rhetorical question indeed. Even if you are well-versed in dark arts such as databases, data modeling, data science and information retrieval, why would you not want to make data […]
Read More →Universal semantic layer: Going meta on data, functionality, governance, and semantics

What is a universal semantic layer, and how is it different from a semantic layer? Is there actual semantics involved? Who uses that, how, and what for? By George Anadiotis When Cube Co-founder Artyom Keydunov started hacking away a Slack chatbot back in 2017, he probably didn’t have answers to those questions. All he wanted to […]
Read More →How LinkedIn is moving towards a skills-based economy with the Skills Graph

What is a skills-based economy and how is LinkedIn moving from vision to implementation? As LinkedIn Director of Engineering Sofus Macskássy shares, there’s AI, taxonomy, and ontology involved in building the Skills Graph that powers it. By George Anadiotis Skills are the new currency. That’s a bold statement, coming from LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky. Roslansky makes […]
Read More →Amazon Neptune introduces a new Analytics engine and the One Graph vision

Amazon Neptune, the managed graph database service by AWS, makes analytics faster and more agile while introducing a vision aiming to simplify graph databases. By George Anadiotis It’s not every day that you hear product leads questioning the utility of their own products. Brad Bebee, the general manager of Amazon Neptune, was all serious when he […]
Read More →Neo4j’s roadmap in 2023: Cloud, Graph Data Science, Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs

Neo4j recently announced new product features in collaboration with Google, as well as a new Chief Product Officer coming from Google: Sudhir Hasbe. We caught up to discuss what the future holds for Neo4j as well as the broader graph database space. Sudhir Hasbe began his career as an engineer, but quickly transitioned into product […]
Read More →Heroes journey: Notes towards a Personal Knowledge Graphs Book

The hero’s journey is a common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home transformed. Writing a book is like a journey too. Writing the first Personal Knowledge Graphs book involved more than one hero and a few crises. Now the PKG […]
Read More →Foursquare moves to the future with a Geospatial Knowledge Graph

From a consumer-oriented application, Foursquare has evolved to a data and product provider for enterprises. The next steps in its evolution will be powered by the Foursquare Graph. Welcome to Orchestrate all the Things, a newsletter with stories about Tech, Data, AI and Media and how they flow into each other shaping our lives. If […]
Read More →Cloud, microservices, and data mess? Graph, ontology, and application fabric to the rescue.

Knowledge graphs are probably the best technology we have for data integration. But what about application integration? Knowledge graphs can help there, too, argues EnterpriseWeb.
Read More →Data, analytics, machine learning, and AI in healthcare in 2021

What do you get when you juxtapose two of the hottest domains today – AI and healthcare? A peek into the future, potentially.
Read More →Data meets science: Open access, code, datasets, and knowledge graphs for machine learning research and beyond

A new interconnected ecosystem for research is shaping up, and machine learning is just the tip of the iceberg.
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