Breaking up Facebook? Try data literacy, social engineering, personal knowledge graphs, and developer advocacy

Breaking up Facebook? Try data literacy, social engineering, personal knowledge graphs, and developer advocacy

Yes, Facebook is a data-driven monopoly. But the only real way to break it up is by getting hold of its data and functionality, one piece at a time. It will take a combination of tech, data, and social engineering to get there. And graphs — personal knowledge graphs.

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Personal Data from the Source: How and Why Consumers and Marketers Can Connect

Personal Data from the Source: How and Why Consumers and Marketers Can Connect

We saw in the previous posts a couple of examples of online marketing gone wrong. The common thread for these examples, and others like them, is the desire marketers have to reach out to new audiences – which is perfectly normal. But in many cases what they are doing is using a new medium – […]

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