Salesforce’s AI Economist research wants to explore the equilibrium between equality and productivity

Salesforce’s AI Economist research wants to explore the equilibrium between equality and productivity

Economic theory is known to be constrained by a number of inefficiencies in its modeling. Salesforce researchers claim AI can help address that, leading to more robust economic policies. 2016 was a pivotal year for Salesforce. That was when the company acquired MetaMind, “an enterprise AI platform that worked in medical imaging and eCommerce images […]

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Who’s automating the enterprise? Meet Amelia and the future of work

Who’s automating the enterprise? Meet Amelia and the future of work

Imagine all enterprise functions automated by software and performed through a single point of access, which happens to be a virtual agent with cognitive capabilities. You can stop imagining and start thinking about the repercussions, because this is much closer than you may think.

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