Cloudera, Hortonworks, and how they are progressing in their Hadoop security agenda

Cloudera, Hortonworks, and how they are progressing in their Hadoop security agenda

Back in July 2014, Gigaom published a research note on Hadoop security written by me. As there seems to be rapid progress in this domain, in the last few days there have been a couple of related developments that call for an update on the picture drawn in that report. As was noted in the […]

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Hadoop World vendor announcements and impact on Accessibility, Scalability and Security

Hadoop World vendor announcements and impact on Accessibility, Scalability and Security

This week the world’s biggest event for all things Hadoop takes place, the Strata and Hadoop World conference. Vendors announce and showcase new releases and features in their offerings, and Gigaom covered the extensive array of news. Let’s try to decipher them and see their impact in terms of Hadoop distributions Accessibility, Scalability and Security. […]

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Hadoop moving forward: a sneak peek at security & performance

Hadoop moving forward: a sneak peek at security & performance

As Hadoop is steadily making its way to the enterprise, the bar is raised in many ways. Since two of the most obvious requirements to be able to make it there are security and performance, i cherry-picked some related announcements made recently – shortly before and after Hadoop Summit, the biggest Hadoop event of the […]

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