The best approach to managing Hadoop

The best approach to managing Hadoop

This week Linked Data Orchestration published another report on Big Data. The report is titled “The best approach to managing Hadoop” and is brought to you in collaboration with Gigaom and Zettaset.

The report examines the 3 choices available for managing Hadoop and discusses the pros and cons for each one.

Organizations leveraging on-premises Hadoop can control their deployments and apply optimal configuration for their workloads. This eliminates recurring infrastructure costs and any worries about data leaving the premises. However, building and maintaining this kind of in-house infrastructure requires an up-front investment as well as expertise, and using it optimally is not always possible.

Organizations leveraging Hadoop in the cloud can achieve insight more quickly because they benefit from elasticity and do not have the burden of building and maintaining the infrastructure and developing the expertise required for supporting in-house Hadoop clusters. But costs can accumulate quickly, networking and latency usually prevent the cloud from being optimal for large workloads, and the organization is required to cede control to third parties.

Last but not least, another option is to have on-premises Hadoop and add a management layer on top that enables organizations to have the best of both approaches. This layer must include advanced enterprise security and systems-management features, and it also comes at a cost.

If you want to find out what is right for you, you can read the full report here.

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