Intellectual property thoughts: on Ideas and Patents

Intellectual property thoughts: on Ideas and Patents

Recently we have seen 2 US court rulings that could bring on important changes in intellectual property, one related to Patents & Ideas and one to Copyright & APIs. Even though at first it may seem this is only relevant for the US, as anyone who has ever been involved in IT Entrepreneurship can tell […]

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Hadoop moving forward: a sneak peek at security & performance

Hadoop moving forward: a sneak peek at security & performance

As Hadoop is steadily making its way to the enterprise, the bar is raised in many ways. Since two of the most obvious requirements to be able to make it there are security and performance, i cherry-picked some related announcements made recently – shortly before and after Hadoop Summit, the biggest Hadoop event of the […]

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Personal Data from the Source: How and Why Consumers and Marketers Can Connect

Personal Data from the Source: How and Why Consumers and Marketers Can Connect

We saw in the previous posts a couple of examples of online marketing gone wrong. The common thread for these examples, and others like them, is the desire marketers have to reach out to new audiences – which is perfectly normal. But in many cases what they are doing is using a new medium – […]

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