Explainable AI: From the peak of inflated expectations to the pitfalls of interpreting machine learning models

We have reached peak hype for explainable AI. But what does this actually mean, and what will it take to get there?
Read More →Open source observability marches on: New Relic and Grafana Labs partnership brings benefits to developers

The perfect observability storm with open source leading the way, and a partnership that makes sense
Read More →Explainable AI: A guide for making black box machine learning models explainable

In the future, AI will explain itself, and interpretability could boost machine intelligence research. Getting started with the basics is a good way to get there, and Christoph Molnar's book is a good place to start.
Read More →Data governance and context for evidence-based medicine: Transparency and bias in COVID-19 times

In the early 90s, evidence-based medicine emerged to make medicine more data-driven. Three decades later, we have more data, but not enough context, or transparency.
Read More →Garbage in, garbage out: Data science, meet evidence-based medicine

Did you ever wonder how data is used in the medical industry? The picture that emerges by talking to the experts leaves a lot to be desired.
Read More →Graph Therapy. The Year of the Graph Newsletter Vol. 20, June / May 2020

Parts of the world are still in lockdown, while others are returning to some semblance of normalcy. Either way, while the last few months have given some things pause, they have boosted others. It seems like developments in the world of Graph are among those that have been boosted. An abundance of educational material on […]
Read More →Data Lakehouse, meet fast queries and visualization: Databricks unveils Delta Engine, acquires Redash

Data warehouses alone don't cut it. Data lakes alone don't cut it either. So whether you call it data lakehouse or by any other name, you need the best of two worlds, says Databricks. A new query engine and a visualization layer are the next pieces in Databricks' puzzle.
Read More →Streamlit wants to revolutionize building machine learning and data science applications, scores $21 million Series A funding

Streamlit wants to be for data science what business intelligence tools have been for databases: A quick way to get to results, without bothering much with the details
Read More →Single point of control, database security as a service: jSonar gets $50 million funding from Goldman Sachs

Why would Goldman Sachs invest a hefty amount into a previously little known company working on something unsexy like database security?
Read More →Another globally distributed cloud native SQL database on the rise: Yugabyte Raises $30 million in Series B Funding

Your good old on-premise SQL database is in terminal decline. Being a pure-play open-source cloud-native PostgreSQL, while offering Apache Cassandra and GraphQL interfaces, is what you need, says Yugabyte.
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